
Basic passive multiple, with a total of 3 inputs.

Each input is routed to 2 outputs.

All the sections “cascade” onto one another, so if you plug only input 1, you’ll get that signal on all the 6 ouputs

Module Specs

Eurorack standard, 3U 3HP

rail Power
+12V -mA
-12V -mA
5V 0mA


Multiple-3x2 schematic


It is pretty straitforward, you will need 9 jack sockets, 9 Thonkiconns to be exact.

See bom

Build Informations

:warning: Fisrt place all the jack sockets, put in place the front panel, then fasten all jacks to it. Once this is done, you can solder them.


3D single Multiple-3x2(front)

3D single Multiple-3x2(back)

3D single Multiple-3x2(iso)


Follow this link if you want to dowload the latest version of gerber files, schematic, kicad files…

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